Sunday, February 11, 2007

Endlich Mal Schreibe Ich

Hello Everyone,

I'm sorry it's taken me sooooo long to finally start blogging. I've been just trying to get my bearings here in Germany. I am in Mainz, Germany which is just west of Frankfurt am Main. Mainz is a picturesque german town on the Rhein river. I praise God everyday for this opportunity to be here. The pictures above are my view from my apartment, me eating at a restaurant, me in front of the hote in Wiesbaden(a town just east of Mainz) I stayed at, a local ice skating rink in Wiesbaden. For those of you I know, I miss you all very much and love you so much. I'm amazed at how much I miss Michigan, already. I'm kind of rambling right now because I'm ein bischen muede - I'm a little tired. Which during this transition period has been the norm. The job is difficult, but then I have to concentrate in my down time just understand people etc. But I love it here. I have a nice view, which I will try to upload.

God is sooo good though. I really believe I'm here for more than just paying of student loans and work. I found a nice church - EnChristo. It's a four square church and all in german. I really wanted to challenge myself while I'm here to learn sehr gut Deutsch. Well I will make a longer entry next week, but I just wanted to get the ball rolling, so to speak. God bless you all!

In Christ,



strunny said...

yes!! awesome! you are blogging!
cool pics & good to get an update...sarah

Amber Rae Watts said...

Schneeflocken! It means snowflakes which you probably knew. It's my new favorite word. Watch out for the schneeflocken! Looks like you are staying in a nice city. Keep us posted. Are you going to sing karaoke auf Deutsch?

kenwilson said...

Ok, I think I may have successfully logged on a s blogger. Maybe the first time I've been able to leave a post on a blog. I have to leave anonymous posts on my own son's blog since I couldn't figure out how to sign up. But I may be more lucky this time. Being a boomer ain't easy in the blogosphere. But enough about gerentology. Josh, I knew some good Christians in Mainz--they were part of the Brotherhood of Jesus and had an outpost at the Mainz YMCA. Can't remember their names off hand, but they might remember Ken Wilson a friend of the head of the J/B Gunter Oertel if you're ever in the neighborhood. If you need a place to go for a little silent retreat the J/B has a retreat center not far from there in Gnadenthal (valley of grace, don't know if I've got the German right.) WE MISS YOU MR. WHITE! ken

Unknown said...

We are proud of you and miss you here in michigan my friend. Stay strong!


Unknown said...

Josh........ hey buddy!!!!! Nice awesome...... I don't know much German although I am like 1/4 German LOL and yeah I 2nd the question that Amber asked.....are you going to sing karaoke auf Deutch? LOL

God Bless!!

Megumi said...

Yaay! Your blog is on!! I'm very much looking forward to reading great things God's doing in your life there :-D

We pray for you every week in our small group!

Blessings and a good amount of rest to you :-)

kristen said... did have officially entered blog domain...many great things will be expected of you the seem to eat a are missed in atlanta too, even though I never knew you here, just pointing out that not ALL of your fans are in for you often and can't wait to hear God stories! Peace of Jesus to you brother.....