Sunday, February 18, 2007

In der Naehe von mir

Here's some pics from the area right around me. That's my present car (which changes every month because I'm not an Opel employee only a little ole' contractor), my landlord Joerg (he's been such a blessing, he really knows the area so well, and has helped me get settled), some churches and buildings in the AlteStadt in Mainz (old city, there beautiful but seem a little empty), and then some more pics off my balcony, and my morning commute and my own street. The one right above is exciting every morning because it's two-way and people drive right up on the sidewalk. So I don't know if I'll be riding a bike around anytime soon - lol!! I guess I need to write more because really so much has happened in the last two weeks. I joined a gym (and worked out), and a german men's group with my church - EnChristo. And that's good, but very difficult to follow. They're having debates in german on "once saved, always saved etc.". But I'm amazed at how much I do understand. It's great if you're a little familiar with the Bible you can usually follow along quite well with the conversation and I think God is working on my humility. Usually I talk too much and now I can hardly put two thoughts together. I feel like tongue-tied Moses probably felt. Also I finally went to a german AA-meeting, and the average age was 67( which I expected), and it was two dang hours long. Naw, but it felt good to go, and I got a list of all the meetings in the area, so I'll find a home group. Oh I forgot to mention, I celebrated 4 years sober yesterday - praise God!! It's so overwhelming to think where God has taken me in the last 4 years. I feel so blessed, in fact there isn't a word to describe the level of gratitude, mixed with unworthiness, Joy, Love and being so loved, Peace, strength, and overwhelmingness (there's a new one). Work has been a lot better. I think I'm over the initial hump with the job I'm doing here. Next week I fly to Sweden to give a training, and the week after it's the whirlwind tour, Tuesday night Heathrow, England, Wednesday night Sweden, and then Friday back to Germany. Oh the life of the Liaison, it sounds fun, but it's work, a cramped 6'2" body, not sleeping much, and pressure. But I'm happy we are staying over in London (actually Luton - the Flint of England) and I should be able to carve out an afternoon in Gothenberg Sweden on Friday. Well I know this is long. I miss and love you all so much! Even Ypsitucky - okay maybe just miss a little or maybe just karaoke:)
Verse of the Week: Titus 3:3 - 8 - We are heirs baby!!
Geh' Immer Mit Unserem Gott,

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Endlich Mal Schreibe Ich

Hello Everyone,

I'm sorry it's taken me sooooo long to finally start blogging. I've been just trying to get my bearings here in Germany. I am in Mainz, Germany which is just west of Frankfurt am Main. Mainz is a picturesque german town on the Rhein river. I praise God everyday for this opportunity to be here. The pictures above are my view from my apartment, me eating at a restaurant, me in front of the hote in Wiesbaden(a town just east of Mainz) I stayed at, a local ice skating rink in Wiesbaden. For those of you I know, I miss you all very much and love you so much. I'm amazed at how much I miss Michigan, already. I'm kind of rambling right now because I'm ein bischen muede - I'm a little tired. Which during this transition period has been the norm. The job is difficult, but then I have to concentrate in my down time just understand people etc. But I love it here. I have a nice view, which I will try to upload.

God is sooo good though. I really believe I'm here for more than just paying of student loans and work. I found a nice church - EnChristo. It's a four square church and all in german. I really wanted to challenge myself while I'm here to learn sehr gut Deutsch. Well I will make a longer entry next week, but I just wanted to get the ball rolling, so to speak. God bless you all!

In Christ,
